Having efficient and direct communication about the Conference is a main objective of Get Involved. For this reason, the most frequent questions that have been asked us, have been collected and answered.
The duration of the ECB Simulation Conference is not restricted to the event days. The Preparation Period begins from the completion of the participation and lasts to the start of the Conference’s main procedures.
The Conference structure has been developed to promote cooperation and interdisciplinarity. Here the two Conference committees as well as their internal procedures are explained.
The Conference Goals are not limited to just informing contemporary economic issues but extend to the inclusion of a diverse set of university students and offering vertical and horizontal Networking among others.
To ensure the proper operation of the Conference specific Rules of Procedure have been developed that cover the overall intra-session issues and topics. The participants should know these rules, while the Procedures Heads are responsible for ensuring their adherence.
This is the internal platform of Get Involved which was developed to maximize the participants’ conference experience. It combines Social Media features with the necessary scientific characteristics needed for the processes of an interactive conference.
For the Conference processes a specific dress code should be followed in accordance with the standards of international standardized professional attire. The business casual approach is suggested.